Thursday, August 27, 2009

As many cultures merge

Hi everyone,

I hope America is treating everyone well. My first few days have been very exciting. I am not taking classes until monday, so I have been able to experience Hong Kong to its fullest. I have met so many people from all across the world. Last night I spent time with "inhabitants" (a popular European word) from Germany, France, Jersey (a country of its own), Canada, San Francisco (S.F State), England, and ofcourse Indiana. We ate a japanese restaurant where I tried eel and octupus.

I just finished getting home tonight, you can try to figure out how early in the morning I am typing this. We went to the edge of Kowloon (the penisula of hong kong) to look at all of the magnificant buildings. They had a light show that used all the building, it was very impressive to see the Hong Kong sky line in person. Pretty much speech less.

After seeing the 'light show', I went to several bars around Victoria Island (called central, its a popular place for westerners to enjoy a night on the town). The night included talks with people all over the world. I met many students traveling aboard tonight which included about 10 students I had dinner with from Denmark and one from Norway. Several from Belgium and one from England.

So far, I have had a great time.

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